== Le blog de dup ==

News about #sauvegarde (#backup in French) project

API backup client continuous backup deduplicated development développement HTTP JSON restaure sauvegarde serveur

'sauvegarde' is a set of tools ('serveur', 'client' and 'restaure' - as of now) that saves your files in a #live continuous way that is to say while they are written to disks under #linux.

New features in version v0.0.3:

  • links are now saved and can be restored
  • A new test directory comes with the project where we might put some files, directories or links to test, improve and avoid regression on the project.

There is a lot of things to do and sauvegarde's project is seeking help in all range of the project (including testing, promoting, coding, translating, creating documentations, packagers to include it into distribution...).

The whole project is known to compile on #x86_64 and #arm7l architecture and on #Debian Jessie, #Ubuntu 12.04 and #Centos 7 (sometimes at the expense of compiling and installing more recent dependencies - which is pretty straight (look for .travis.yml in the source code)). Links: